Thursday, December 28, 2006

The great break!

Hello and welcome,

I hope everyone is enjoying their break, perhaps the greatest break of the year!
While most of you get paid for the time off- we, however, do not... But we enjoyed every minute of it :)

First off Merry Christmas to all and I'm sure everyone had a wonderful time and put smiles on everyone’s faces this year. I had the privilege to give my grandma a hand made DVD of their life in motion. The video starts off as a though it’s been produced for the big screen - it has the look of serenity and happiness while evoking childhood emotions with the movements and tempo. Although the movie is a memorial and technically should be sad and/or depressing... It's far from!

I'm sure the majority of anybody reading this has no idea who Maybelle & Jack Oney are nor would sincerely feel about them how I feel. With that said, by watching our video you will feel as though you've known them your whole life and if you could see yourself watching it, you'd have big smile on your face. I guarantee it!

The movie, titled "Jack and Maybelle Oney - The Movie", is just under seven minutes long and close to a hundred pictures total. Each picture was re-mastered and drastically brought back to life. Most of the images were scanned poorly by family members in a rush - and still we were able to overcome. With such little time and small amount of resources, the emotion, feeling, style, and energy that is conjured while watching is unparalleled to anything I've ever seen. This video, perhaps, may be the best we've ever made.
Granted the movie is under eight minutes long, you can view the first three minutes on the website on the *Preview* section labeled memorial video.
Please, I urge you to check it out and smile with the rest of us.

Again I hope everyone's Christmas was a good one and we'll see you next year!

Happy New Years to all!
From: JumbleStudios Team

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Welcome to our new site and look!

I can't express how much I appreciate you taking the time to read what I, the CEO and owner of JumbleStudios, have to say - as this business started out as a favor.

It all started when...
I was approached by a co-worker one day asking me if I have video to DVD experience. She wanted merely for me to take a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and put it on a DVD so she could view it on her TV. The presentation was of her husband, whom had recently passed away. Heartbroken, I insisted I take it one step further and put a smile on her face and a tear of joy on her cheek.

What turned out as a favor to a sweet old cleaning lady flourished into a thriving business that I love to do. Everything we put into the video's we create is second to none. My team is highly creative and originality goes into every montage we develop. The ideas and creativity are endless which leaves the competition in the dust.

I really don't mean to degrade my competitors... But honestly - show me one video, JUST ONE, that compares and I'll backpedal with apologies.
It really bothers me that someone can call their work professional, with the same type of animation and effects you would expect from a 1980's music video.

Please take a look at a few short, for web, examples we have in our preview section of the website -
I can guarantee you'll be left breathless :)

Come back for more blogging! This is just the beginning.
Love goes out to all,
-Mathew E. Komyanek
-CEO Jumble Studios